Style & Emotions
It’s so easy to get caught up in trends or mirroring someone else’s style. But style, true iconic style is best appreciated when it is representative of who you are. Style is not just about finding great clothing, it’s also about your mental state. Recently, I went through a deep depression and the first thing to be affected was my style. I stopped caring about what I had on, whether my edges were laid, my eyebrows were not groomed, and my nails were reversed French. I was a mess emotionally but also fashionably. As I started therapy and really took a hard look at some of the trauma in my life, I also took a hard look into my closet. Ironically, like my emotions, I was holding on to shit and clothing that no longer fit, weren’t MY style, or wasn’t who I aspired to be. I was holding on to clothing to keep my closet from seeming bare. But thank God for clarity. I literally went through my closet and tried on everything. If I didn’t twerk or twirl with excitement about how cute the item was, it went in the donate/ sell pile. I also did this with my friendships and relationships: I tried them on. If the fit was off or it wasn’t a representation of who I aspired to be, I had to donate that relationship to the emotional Goodwill. What I found was that my closet did get smaller but it also helped me realize what I was missing. I had 6 pairs of black jeans but no white button downs. You can’t see what you need, if you don’t get rid of what you no longer want. Preach, preacher! Nothing makes a woman feel better than authenticity. Being authentically you, not being who people need you to be. My purpose is to help you unload some fashion baggage and develop your true individual style.